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5 Ways to Build a Combined Social Media Marketing Strategy |   14 Apr, 2022

Do you ever think that your business’s social media marketing strategy isn’t as engaging as it used to be?  A few businesses since the pandemic are battling with getting a good amount of engagement and organic reach on their Facebook posts in spite of putting a lot of resources in social advertising. If you are one of those disappointed businesses where people just keep liking your posts on social media but don’t buy anything from your page, continue reading. This article will discuss the five best techniques that will help you gain better and effective results by combining both paid and organic social media marketing. Let’s quickly take a dive into it.

What is Paid and Organic Social Media?

Organic social media means just posting either normally or through a social media management tool for free. Organic marketing via social media is an incredible way to reach your followers; however, with generally 2.8 billion users on Facebook and YouTube with 2.2 billion active users, it’s becoming challenging to reach your target audience organically. Paid social media includes displaying sponsored advertisements of your brand on various social media channels to gain attention from the target audience. As the name suggests, it is not free of cost and demands a specific amount of budget plan depending on your social advertising needs.

5 Ways to Combine Organic and Paid Social Media Marketing Strategies

Following are some good ways to build an effective, combined organic and paid social media marketing strategy:
  • Analyze Data from Paid Ads to Implement Organic Strategy
It can be disappointing to see that you’re not getting the desired results even after spending money on paid social advertising. But what if we say that there’s an excellent way to optimize your social advertising? The solution lies in estimating performance effectively – it would mean analyzing data from the advertisements and using this data to iterate on your organic social media marketing strategy. It might include seeing which types of paid social media ads are playing best, evaluating different ad copies to analyze what relates with your customers most, and testing how the data differs on different social media platforms.
  • Use Data on Organic Audience to Target Audience on Paid Social
Because of the algorithms of social media platforms, it tends to be challenging to focus on the target audience with paid social ad campaigns. It is where organic audience’s information can help marketers to know about their potential customers.
  • Promote Organic Content that Resonates with your Target Audience
For your paid promotions to be viable, they need to match your organic social media posts. So, posting content that connects to your customers can be helpful. This sort of advertising is likewise highly targeted so that the posts will perform much better than any other posts.
  • Facebook Targeted Ads
Paid social media advertising has developed and evolved in the past couple of years. For example, among many of Facebook’s advertising options, they also have an option for bidding. It allows more manageable tuning of expenses and testing new strategies based on your past research.
  • YouTube Advertising
There are loads of different platforms to use paid social media marketing strategy along with organic social media strategy. YouTube is one of them. YouTube advertising offers many benefits. One of them is that you can include a solid call to action that will engage viewers to take your offer immediately. They simply have to tap on the link given, and it will take them directly to your home or product page.

Conclusion – Organic and Paid Ads Go Hand in Hand

Combining paid and organic social media can help you with increasing conversions, engagement rates, and developing your client base. Regardless of the social media marketing strategy you choose, it is necessary to ensure that both are working together. In case of any further help, read our other blogs about marketing and advertising.

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